Hi! I'm Tiara Richardson
Just who am I? I'm a UX-certified Content & UX Designer who is obsessed with creating thoughtful, easy, and inclusive experiences. I love to learn, lead, strategize, empathize, and execute. I understand the big picture, the details, and what's needed to get to the goal.
Led cross-functional team through a redesign of Pentair.com from ideation through completion increasing site traffic 68%.
Pentair, 2019-20
Led team through the UX, content, design and development of the launch of e-commerce on Pentair.com increasing product page conversions 5-8x's.
Pentair, 2020-21
Co-created Accounting Day digital campaign that brought in a record 250+ members and record social media engagement.
AICPA, 2018
Led and managed large scale, cross-company, digital transformation project to reduce website content by 50%.
AICPA, 2018-19
Contact Me
Interested in working with me? Send me a message!